This lens guide you how to create a blog on Blogger. It could also be a tutorial you about how to create a blog. Once you read, guaranteed you will be able to make a simple blog or even remarkable. Or a lot of blogs. How many blogs? Depending on how much you'd like to make. Please see how to create a blog on this lens
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Learn to create a blog on Blogger
This lens guide you how to create a blog on Blogger. It could also be a tutorial you about how to create a blog. Once you read, guaranteed you will be able to make a simple blog or even remarkable. Or a lot of blogs. How many blogs? Depending on how much you'd like to make. Please see how to create a blog on this lens
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Creating a Class with OOP PHP Framework - Part 2
This article is a continuation of the first article of Making Class with OOP PHP Framework, has been reviewed in previous articles about the development of the framework class RDBMS database. This time we will try to create a framework class to review techniques for handling session. Session techniques are discussed in this second article with more emphasis on making homemade session engine that does not depend on php default session. So this is actually a class session early in the making I apply for php version 3, where the facility is not yet available on the php session 3. But even though you are now using PHP 4 / 5 / 6 You can wear them msh.
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Creating a Class with OOP PHP Framework - Part 1
You as a PHP programmer must have experienced saturation in creating a web application, sometimes a monotonous rhythm that you'll often experienced in creating a dynamic web-whether it's for a client or a web site for your own. Actually from a rhythm there are some things that can be made permanent from the basic structure of your program code.
From this article it is assumed that you have first to learn Object Oriented Programming in PHP and you already know what the meaning of class. The discussion in this article I will emphasized on development of the framework classes from the basic class structure of objects in PHP 4 and did not rule out that class can still be used in PHP 5 or the latest version of PHP 6, which in PHP 5 and PHP 6 there are striking differences in terms of security and basic structure of the class declaration.
The goal programming using class here is code reuse, which means your program code can be used again for projects that other web. Because at its core in a program associated with the database, variables are always changing the database structure and user interface. Where the database structure and user interface display is always to follow the business process of your program users.
Currently, many PHP frameworks are offered on the internet such as Code Igniter, Cake PHP, Zend Framework, PHP Delphi VCL, Blue Shoes, and much more. But from the framework they offer you may be required to follow their path-syntax and syntax of their respective standards. Maybe for the new beginners class to learn still confused which one should I learned and understood better. You do not worry about it, because you as the programmer has the characteristic of each of the program, and you also can create their own frameworks as they are, because the point is they are still under the auspices of the PHP language.
There may be some among the readers assume that what made his own and struggled to make an instant because it is widely available and work can be finished on time, you may be right but have you ever experienced an event where there is a demand for additional features of the client / user in which case It causes you would not want to change the core of the framework you use, and you are required to learn all the time. It must be desperate if you experience this, different if you are making framework it all, and you know exactly where the lies which have to change a module that was requested by your client. But in essence we should be able to independently and finally the last option is dependent on your own.
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From this article it is assumed that you have first to learn Object Oriented Programming in PHP and you already know what the meaning of class. The discussion in this article I will emphasized on development of the framework classes from the basic class structure of objects in PHP 4 and did not rule out that class can still be used in PHP 5 or the latest version of PHP 6, which in PHP 5 and PHP 6 there are striking differences in terms of security and basic structure of the class declaration.
The goal programming using class here is code reuse, which means your program code can be used again for projects that other web. Because at its core in a program associated with the database, variables are always changing the database structure and user interface. Where the database structure and user interface display is always to follow the business process of your program users.
Currently, many PHP frameworks are offered on the internet such as Code Igniter, Cake PHP, Zend Framework, PHP Delphi VCL, Blue Shoes, and much more. But from the framework they offer you may be required to follow their path-syntax and syntax of their respective standards. Maybe for the new beginners class to learn still confused which one should I learned and understood better. You do not worry about it, because you as the programmer has the characteristic of each of the program, and you also can create their own frameworks as they are, because the point is they are still under the auspices of the PHP language.
There may be some among the readers assume that what made his own and struggled to make an instant because it is widely available and work can be finished on time, you may be right but have you ever experienced an event where there is a demand for additional features of the client / user in which case It causes you would not want to change the core of the framework you use, and you are required to learn all the time. It must be desperate if you experience this, different if you are making framework it all, and you know exactly where the lies which have to change a module that was requested by your client. But in essence we should be able to independently and finally the last option is dependent on your own.
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Learning to Code Igniter PHP Framework
PHP is a popular web programming language, tough and can be obtained free of charge. Learning PHP is quite fun, because the language is relatively easy to learn. To simplify and accelerate application development with PHP, a PHP framework banak popping, one of them is Code Igniter.
Dowload Posts Complete: learn-php-with-framework-code-igniter
Dowload Posts Complete: learn-php-with-framework-code-igniter
How to Hack Password WiFi / Hotspot
Since recent years, several public places in Indonesia has installed a number of arenas wi-fi/hotspot that pamper the internet explorer to do the activity mayanya world. Well, do you ever feel resentful if a network does not require that you enter or use the password protection member?
Wow, try using the Wireless Key View v1.15. With this software you can see the network name, Type Key network, and password hash, as well as the crack it. Immediately try, first download at:
Wow, try using the Wireless Key View v1.15. With this software you can see the network name, Type Key network, and password hash, as well as the crack it. Immediately try, first download at:
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Tricks to Make Usplash Ubuntu
Or boot usplash loading screen or splash screen or boot image or boot splash progress is a splash screen that displays a progress / loading before entering the login screen / gdm.
I'll share my knowledge to customize the usplash in ubuntu. This stems from our project when going to launch our campus ubuntu distro. We studied it for about 2 months to process usplash. Finally all that time, we find special tricks to customize the usplash in ubuntu, and then we customize ubuntu to 9.04. And these distributions we named ubuntUMM which is a Ubuntu distro Muhammadiyah University of Malang.
Open source world to give freedom to the user to change the entire look is on the operating system according to our wishes. This time we will make usplash ubuntu through the GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program). I will give you step-by-perlangkah little bit to make it more understandable.
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I'll share my knowledge to customize the usplash in ubuntu. This stems from our project when going to launch our campus ubuntu distro. We studied it for about 2 months to process usplash. Finally all that time, we find special tricks to customize the usplash in ubuntu, and then we customize ubuntu to 9.04. And these distributions we named ubuntUMM which is a Ubuntu distro Muhammadiyah University of Malang.
Open source world to give freedom to the user to change the entire look is on the operating system according to our wishes. This time we will make usplash ubuntu through the GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program). I will give you step-by-perlangkah little bit to make it more understandable.
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Installing and Setting OpenGL In Microsoft Visual C + + 6.0
OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) is a standard graphics library used for graphics programming purposes. Standard specification which is owned by this library defines a cross-language, cross-platform API for writing computer applications in the form of 2D and 3D graphics. OpenGL is the open source nature, can be used on many platforms (Windows or Linux) and can be used in various types of compilers programming languages like C + +, Delphi, Java or VB.
Microsoft Visual C + + 6.0 supports the existence of OpenGL. How do I install Ms. Visual C + + 6.0 and OpenGL settings on how well Ms.. Visual C + + 6.0 is? Please read the article below ... ..
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Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Disable Mouse and Keyboard
unit Unit1;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, StdCtrls;
TForm1 = class(TForm)
Button1: TButton;
procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }
Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.dfm}
function BlockInput(fBlockInput: Boolean): DWORD; stdcall; external 'user32.DLL';
function FunctionDetect(LibName, FuncName: string; var LibPointer: Pointer): Boolean;
LibHandle: THandle;
Result := False;
LibPointer := nil;
if LoadLibrary(PChar(LibName)) = 0 then Exit;
LibHandle := GetModuleHandle(PChar(LibName));
if LibHandle <> 0 then
LibPointer := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, PChar(FuncName));
if LibPointer <> nil then Result := True;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
xBlockInput: function (Block: BOOL): BOOL; stdcall;
if FunctionDetect('USER32.DLL', 'BlockInput', @xBlockInput) then
xBlockInput(True); // Disable Keyboard & mouse
Sleep(10000); // tunggu 10 detik
xBlockInput(False); // Enable Keyboard & mouse
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, StdCtrls;
TForm1 = class(TForm)
Button1: TButton;
procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }
Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.dfm}
function BlockInput(fBlockInput: Boolean): DWORD; stdcall; external 'user32.DLL';
function FunctionDetect(LibName, FuncName: string; var LibPointer: Pointer): Boolean;
LibHandle: THandle;
Result := False;
LibPointer := nil;
if LoadLibrary(PChar(LibName)) = 0 then Exit;
LibHandle := GetModuleHandle(PChar(LibName));
if LibHandle <> 0 then
LibPointer := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, PChar(FuncName));
if LibPointer <> nil then Result := True;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
xBlockInput: function (Block: BOOL): BOOL; stdcall;
if FunctionDetect('USER32.DLL', 'BlockInput', @xBlockInput) then
xBlockInput(True); // Disable Keyboard & mouse
Sleep(10000); // tunggu 10 detik
xBlockInput(False); // Enable Keyboard & mouse
Draw on the title bar
unit Unit1;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
TForm1 = class(TForm)
procedure WMNCPaint(var Msg: TWMNCPaint); message WM_NCPAINT;
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }
Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TForm1.WMNCPaint(var Msg: TWMNCPaint);
ACanvas : TCanvas;
ACanvas := TCanvas.Create;
ACanvas.Handle := GetWindowDC(Form1.Handle);
with ACanvas do begin
Brush.Color := clActiveCaption;
Font.Name := 'Tahoma';
Font.Size := 8;
Font.Color := clYellow;
Font.Style := [fsItalic, fsBold];
TextOut(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENU) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXBORDER),
Round((GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION) - Abs(Font.Height))/2) + 1,
' Teks pada Caption');
ReleaseDC(Form1.Handle, ACanvas.Handle);
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
TForm1 = class(TForm)
procedure WMNCPaint(var Msg: TWMNCPaint); message WM_NCPAINT;
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }
Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TForm1.WMNCPaint(var Msg: TWMNCPaint);
ACanvas : TCanvas;
ACanvas := TCanvas.Create;
ACanvas.Handle := GetWindowDC(Form1.Handle);
with ACanvas do begin
Brush.Color := clActiveCaption;
Font.Name := 'Tahoma';
Font.Size := 8;
Font.Color := clYellow;
Font.Style := [fsItalic, fsBold];
TextOut(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENU) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXBORDER),
Round((GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION) - Abs(Font.Height))/2) + 1,
' Teks pada Caption');
ReleaseDC(Form1.Handle, ACanvas.Handle);
disable the close menu
unit Unit1;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, StdCtrls;
TForm1 = class(TForm)
Label1: TLabel;
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }
Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
hMenuHandle : HMENU;
hMenuHandle := GetSystemMenu(Form1.Handle, FALSE);
if (hMenuHandle <> 0) then DeleteMenu(hMenuHandle, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND);
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, StdCtrls;
TForm1 = class(TForm)
Label1: TLabel;
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }
Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
hMenuHandle : HMENU;
hMenuHandle := GetSystemMenu(Form1.Handle, FALSE);
if (hMenuHandle <> 0) then DeleteMenu(hMenuHandle, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND);
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
C.-based learning algorithms
Make goals / challenges in learning a programming language, so you will encouraged to solve a problem. Create a program that interests you, eg how to make a music player, making the game Tetris / snake.
You can also try Ceebot, namely software to learn programming with audio visual aid. C.-based syntax
You can also try Ceebot, namely software to learn programming with audio visual aid. C.-based syntax
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Disable Autorun Windows 7
How to I:
Turn Off Autoplay through the Control Panel
- Open the Control Panel -> Click Hardware and Sound -> Click the Autoplay (to open the Autoplay window settings);
- Remove the check (v) the box Use AutoPlay for all media and devices;
- Click Save;
- Done.
How II:
Turn Off Autoplay via Group Policy Editor
- Click Start -> Run -> type gpedit.msc -> then press Enter (we will go to the windows Group Policy Editor);
- Click the User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> select Autoplay Policies;
- Now look in the right setting window, click (2x) Turn Off Autoplay;
- At the Turn Off Autoplay window, click select Enabled;
- In the Options section (Turn off Autoplay on) below, we can choose: CD-ROM Drives and removable drives or All Drives;
- Click OK;
- Done.
Note: This second method can only be used for Windows 7 or Windows Vista Home Premium version is not.
Turn Off Autoplay through the Control Panel
- Open the Control Panel -> Click Hardware and Sound -> Click the Autoplay (to open the Autoplay window settings);
- Remove the check (v) the box Use AutoPlay for all media and devices;
- Click Save;
- Done.
How II:
Turn Off Autoplay via Group Policy Editor
- Click Start -> Run -> type gpedit.msc -> then press Enter (we will go to the windows Group Policy Editor);
- Click the User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> select Autoplay Policies;
- Now look in the right setting window, click (2x) Turn Off Autoplay;
- At the Turn Off Autoplay window, click select Enabled;
- In the Options section (Turn off Autoplay on) below, we can choose: CD-ROM Drives and removable drives or All Drives;
- Click OK;
- Done.
Note: This second method can only be used for Windows 7 or Windows Vista Home Premium version is not.
Tips on How to update Bios
Basic Input / Output System (BIOS), simply represents a motherboard chip system in which duty to recognize and prepare the hardware / computer hardware when the PC is turned on, such as Notebook, Processor, Floppy Disk, Memory, DVD Rom and others. If all goes wrong then the Operating System (like Windows, Linux) just started running.If the computer running smoothly or not have a problem, does not need to upgrade (update) the BIOS on our computers. Because it is very risky for those not familiar, if not careful even computers can not be operated again.
But there are some things that cause the BIOS must be upgraded, for example:- When the computer starts, sudden stops before entering the operating system;- The computer is long enough, and we install the new hardware is not detected properly, for example we replace the new processor. Because they often do not recognize the processor in the BIOS;- BIOS is damaged, either indicated by the message or not. For example an invalid BIOS, the BIOS corrupted, etc.;- BIOS fails to detect the hardware, such as hardiks, CD-ROM, VGA and others;- Want a little more to optimize the performance of computer (hardware);- The Recommendation of Motherboard vendors;
If the BIOS on the computer is damaged, it can not automatically run the operating system like Windows XP for example. Some things that can cause damage to the BIOS for example:- Turn off the computer without shutdown, or electricity suddenly dead (without UPS);- Exposure to Virus;- Error upgrade the BIOS, such as computer off when the upgrade process, the BIOS does not match the type of motherboard, etc..
How to upgrade your computer BIOS?To upgrade the BIOS, you need 2 files, first the BIOS file itself and the Flash Memory Writer utility, which is software to upgrade (flash) the BIOS, for example AFLASH.EXE, AWD816a.EXE and others. BIOS file usually with extension 001, BIN or any other, with a size less than 512 KB. Most To upgrade the BIOS must be done through DOS or MS-DOS, although it now has a lot of vendors that provide software-based Windows.
Noteworthy is the search for the BIOS file and the Flash Writer appropriate, because if it does not match, the computer probably is not going to be able to live longer. But if the type is correct, then chances are always successful, except for power failure or the computer is off when flash BIOS is running. In general, the BIOS flash lasts only a few seconds, less than 30 seconds.To flash the BIOS, go to DOS, type the name of the Flash Writer, for example, to AWD816a.EXE
C: \ ADW816a
So usually there is a description how to use. Follow the instructions there, be sure also to backup the old BIOS, it can be done with flash file writer as well. Description shown may vary. If still in doubt, should be asked to know more, or can also be read in the motherboard manual.
How to determine the type of motherboard?There are several ways to determine the type of motherboard you have, among others:- View the user guide that came when buying Motherboard;- Looking at the start screen when the computer is on, usually displayed the series or type of motherboard;- Looking at the motherboard directly (open the computer case), there is usually written motherboard brand and type.
Where to Download the BIOS and Flash UtilityIf we include the popular motherboard, the vendor typically provides download the BIOS and Flash Utility her, like ASUS, ECS, MSI (Micro Star International), Gigabyte and the like. If your motherboard does not have an official website to download drivers, can be tried searching through, type in the type of motherboard is followed by words such as BIOS, download the BIOS and the like. For example "BIOS P4VP-MX" or "Download BIOS P4VP-MX".
But there are some things that cause the BIOS must be upgraded, for example:- When the computer starts, sudden stops before entering the operating system;- The computer is long enough, and we install the new hardware is not detected properly, for example we replace the new processor. Because they often do not recognize the processor in the BIOS;- BIOS is damaged, either indicated by the message or not. For example an invalid BIOS, the BIOS corrupted, etc.;- BIOS fails to detect the hardware, such as hardiks, CD-ROM, VGA and others;- Want a little more to optimize the performance of computer (hardware);- The Recommendation of Motherboard vendors;
If the BIOS on the computer is damaged, it can not automatically run the operating system like Windows XP for example. Some things that can cause damage to the BIOS for example:- Turn off the computer without shutdown, or electricity suddenly dead (without UPS);- Exposure to Virus;- Error upgrade the BIOS, such as computer off when the upgrade process, the BIOS does not match the type of motherboard, etc..
How to upgrade your computer BIOS?To upgrade the BIOS, you need 2 files, first the BIOS file itself and the Flash Memory Writer utility, which is software to upgrade (flash) the BIOS, for example AFLASH.EXE, AWD816a.EXE and others. BIOS file usually with extension 001, BIN or any other, with a size less than 512 KB. Most To upgrade the BIOS must be done through DOS or MS-DOS, although it now has a lot of vendors that provide software-based Windows.
Noteworthy is the search for the BIOS file and the Flash Writer appropriate, because if it does not match, the computer probably is not going to be able to live longer. But if the type is correct, then chances are always successful, except for power failure or the computer is off when flash BIOS is running. In general, the BIOS flash lasts only a few seconds, less than 30 seconds.To flash the BIOS, go to DOS, type the name of the Flash Writer, for example, to AWD816a.EXE
C: \ ADW816a
So usually there is a description how to use. Follow the instructions there, be sure also to backup the old BIOS, it can be done with flash file writer as well. Description shown may vary. If still in doubt, should be asked to know more, or can also be read in the motherboard manual.
How to determine the type of motherboard?There are several ways to determine the type of motherboard you have, among others:- View the user guide that came when buying Motherboard;- Looking at the start screen when the computer is on, usually displayed the series or type of motherboard;- Looking at the motherboard directly (open the computer case), there is usually written motherboard brand and type.
Where to Download the BIOS and Flash UtilityIf we include the popular motherboard, the vendor typically provides download the BIOS and Flash Utility her, like ASUS, ECS, MSI (Micro Star International), Gigabyte and the like. If your motherboard does not have an official website to download drivers, can be tried searching through, type in the type of motherboard is followed by words such as BIOS, download the BIOS and the like. For example "BIOS P4VP-MX" or "Download BIOS P4VP-MX".
Improving Memory Card (MMC), a corrupt
Using a card reader that connects to your PC
How, through the Format menu of Windows Explorer.
1. Remove the memory card from phone, insert it into the memory card reader.
Do not carelessly pulled from the phone memory. Especially on the phone with hotswap memory slot like the N70, use the "Remove Memory" to pull out the memory when the phone is active. For phones without the "Remove Memory", you should switch off the phone first.
2. Find the memory card drive (see the Windows menu Eksploler), for example on the drive (D, E, F, G, H or other). If the memory is read, click the right mouse button, and select the menu 'Format'.
3. Next comes a choice of formats (FAT, FAT32 and NTSC), make sure you select FAT file system format.
4. Click the "Format Now" and wait until finished.
If the message 'error' then the PC can not reformat again, use another way which is a format via Command Line menu.
Format via the Command Line
1. On the PC, click Start -> Run, and type CMD.
Command window will appear at the DOS prompt mode.
2. Next type in FORMAT h: / FS: FAT
(h = drive location of the memory card, if memory card is located on drive g, then write g)
3. Wait until finished.
If the problem persists on a memory card, please use another memory card reader. But if it can not be recovered back, was forced to the memory card must be exchanged with the seller, if still under warranty.
How, through the Format menu of Windows Explorer.
1. Remove the memory card from phone, insert it into the memory card reader.
Do not carelessly pulled from the phone memory. Especially on the phone with hotswap memory slot like the N70, use the "Remove Memory" to pull out the memory when the phone is active. For phones without the "Remove Memory", you should switch off the phone first.
2. Find the memory card drive (see the Windows menu Eksploler), for example on the drive (D, E, F, G, H or other). If the memory is read, click the right mouse button, and select the menu 'Format'.
3. Next comes a choice of formats (FAT, FAT32 and NTSC), make sure you select FAT file system format.
4. Click the "Format Now" and wait until finished.
If the message 'error' then the PC can not reformat again, use another way which is a format via Command Line menu.
Format via the Command Line
1. On the PC, click Start -> Run, and type CMD.
Command window will appear at the DOS prompt mode.
2. Next type in FORMAT h: / FS: FAT
(h = drive location of the memory card, if memory card is located on drive g, then write g)
3. Wait until finished.
If the problem persists on a memory card, please use another memory card reader. But if it can not be recovered back, was forced to the memory card must be exchanged with the seller, if still under warranty.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
How to Make a Flowchart of a Program Listings
After trying to force myself to learn, finally met as well. How: other people's questions answered ... hehehe. One of these questions nih:
How to create a flowchart of a program listing.
Questions & Listings courses taken from:;_ylt=AvmXi46dtU9Rhwzg6DO.2N8XZnRG;_ylv=3?qid=20090825092136AAqW9Nk

I created this flowchart using Microsoft Office Visio 2003, to be able to get the raw source. Please send messages in:
How to create a flowchart of a program listing.
Questions & Listings courses taken from:;_ylt=AvmXi46dtU9Rhwzg6DO.2N8XZnRG;_ylv=3?qid=20090825092136AAqW9Nk
I created this flowchart using Microsoft Office Visio 2003, to be able to get the raw source. Please send messages in:
Flowchart Reading Numbers Smallest of Three Numbers
If desired a flowchart program that can read the 3 pieces of number (integer, real, byte, etc.) then the flowchart generated something like this next. Did not rule out the resulting flowchart can vary, depending on the selected algorithm
Monday, April 11, 2011
Strings in Java
Preliminary In other languages like C / C + + and Pascal (Delphi), the string is an array of characters. In Java, strings are objects and not the array of characters. Can be made array of characters, but he was not a string. The string consists of a series of characters bounded by double quotation marks (double-quote). Here's the difference between the declaration and the declaration char String:
char inputKey; char ampersand = '&';
PerancangJava String = "James Gosling"; StrAmpersand String = "&";
Note the single quotes and double quotes that distinguish the characters and strings. Although both variables contain data of the ampersand character, but Variable ampersand has a primitive type char. Variable strAmpersand have type String object.
String Operations
concat (str) used to mengabungkan 2 pieces string string. isEmpty () used to check whether the string is empty or not. trim () used to remove the spaces on the left and right strings. length () used to calculate many characters in the string. equals (str) used to compare 2 pieces of string. substring (,) used to retrieve a substring from a string. charAt () used to take an existing character on the index. lastIndexOf (kar) used to find the last index of character strings containing kar. equalsIgnoreCase (str) used to compare string with str, not case sensitive. copyValueOf (arr_char) used to format strings from an array of characters. replace (,) used to change into.
Displaying Strings To display the string in a non-GUI Java programs (text), we can use the command System.out.println () or System.out.println (). println () will add a line break character (CR + LF) at the end of the string, while print () does not
{TampilString class public static void main (String args []) { System.out.println ("Designer C:"); System.out.println ("Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie.");
System.out.println (); / / switch row
System.out.println ("Designer Java:"); System.out.println ("James Gosling."); } }
Note the difference between print () and println (). Output program (shown string as follows):
Designer C + +: Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie. Java Designer: James Gosling.
String with the new operator A String object can be made using the new operator. results would be tantamount to a declaration manner described above. Example: String s1 = "JBuilder 9."; String s2 = new String ("JBuilder 9.");
Both variables s1 and s2 would be equally a String object containing the text: JBuilder 9. With the new operator, it can also create a String object from an array of characters. Example: chArray char [] = {'J', 'B', 'u', 'i', 'l', 'd', 'e', 'r', '9 '}; String s1 = new String (chArray); / / s1 = "JBuilder 9."
Can also choose a sub-array of array of characters to be converted into a String object. General form is as follows: String [var name] = new String (char [] chArray, int offset, int count)
Where, chArray an array of characters, offset an initial index of the sub-array, count is the number of characters to be retrieved. Example:
Index array or string starting from the number 0 (zero-based index). With offset = 1, then the first character is 'B' (index 1). With count = 5, will be taken as many as 5 characters starting from 'B'. Sub-array that is taken is: 'Build'.
char char [] = {'J', 'B', 'u', 'i', 'l', 'd', 'e', 'r', '', '9 '}; String s1 = new String (char, 1, 5); / / s1 = 'Build'.
String as a class In Java, variables of type String is an object of class String. When declared a string, then automatically, the Java compiler will create a String object. In the JDK, the class String is stored in the package java.lang. So the full-name for this class is: java.lang.String. As a class, String have several members in the form of the method. Here are some important methods STRING LENGTH: LENGTH () TAKING SUB-STRING: SUBSTRING () TAKEN CHARACTERS: charAt () DRAWING INDEX: INDEXOF () CASING: toUpperCase (), TOLOWERCASE ()
A. LENGTH () Method length () is used to retrieve the length of the String variable. For example:
String s1 = "JBuilder 9."; int lenStr = s1.length (); / / lenStr = 11 System.out.println (lenStr); / / 11
B. SUBSTRING () Method substring () is used to retrieve sub-string from a String object. There are two forms of this method The first form (overloaded method): String substring (int beginIndex, int endIndex); String substring (int beginIndex); Forms are taking a sub-string starting from position beginIndex to endIndex-1 position
A second form. / / Position: "01234567890" String s1 = "JBuilder 9.";
String cutStr = s1.substring (5); / / cutStr = "der 9." String substr = s1.substring (1, 6); / / substr = "Build"
Forms are taking a sub-string starting from position until the end of the string beginIndex
C. charAt () Method charAt () is used to retrieve characters from the String object on a particular index position. Example: / / Position: "01234567890" String s1 = "JBuilder 9.";
char c1 = s1.charAt (1); / / c1 = 'B' char c2 = s1.charAt (9); / / c2 = '9 ' char c3 = s1.charAt (6); / / c3 = 'e'
D. INDEXOF () Method indexOf () is used to retrieve the index value of a particular character position within the String object. The position of the characters are looking for is the position of the first characters encountered. Example: / / Position: "0123456789012345678" String s1 = "JBuilder for Java";
int pos1 = s1.indexOf ('u'), / / pos1 = 2 int pos2 = s1.indexOf ('t'); / / pos2 = 11 int pos3 = s1.indexOf ('J'); / / pos3 = 0
E. ToUpperCase (), TOLOWERCASE () Method toUpperCase () or toLowerCase () is used to convert all the characters in the String object to uppercase or lowercase. String toUpperCase (); String toLowerCase ();
char inputKey; char ampersand = '&';
PerancangJava String = "James Gosling"; StrAmpersand String = "&";
Note the single quotes and double quotes that distinguish the characters and strings. Although both variables contain data of the ampersand character, but Variable ampersand has a primitive type char. Variable strAmpersand have type String object.
String Operations
concat (str) used to mengabungkan 2 pieces string string. isEmpty () used to check whether the string is empty or not. trim () used to remove the spaces on the left and right strings. length () used to calculate many characters in the string. equals (str) used to compare 2 pieces of string. substring (,) used to retrieve a substring from a string. charAt () used to take an existing character on the index. lastIndexOf (kar) used to find the last index of character strings containing kar. equalsIgnoreCase (str) used to compare string with str, not case sensitive. copyValueOf (arr_char) used to format strings from an array of characters. replace (,) used to change into.
Displaying Strings To display the string in a non-GUI Java programs (text), we can use the command System.out.println () or System.out.println (). println () will add a line break character (CR + LF) at the end of the string, while print () does not
{TampilString class public static void main (String args []) { System.out.println ("Designer C:"); System.out.println ("Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie.");
System.out.println (); / / switch row
System.out.println ("Designer Java:"); System.out.println ("James Gosling."); } }
Note the difference between print () and println (). Output program (shown string as follows):
Designer C + +: Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie. Java Designer: James Gosling.
String with the new operator A String object can be made using the new operator. results would be tantamount to a declaration manner described above. Example: String s1 = "JBuilder 9."; String s2 = new String ("JBuilder 9.");
Both variables s1 and s2 would be equally a String object containing the text: JBuilder 9. With the new operator, it can also create a String object from an array of characters. Example: chArray char [] = {'J', 'B', 'u', 'i', 'l', 'd', 'e', 'r', '9 '}; String s1 = new String (chArray); / / s1 = "JBuilder 9."
Can also choose a sub-array of array of characters to be converted into a String object. General form is as follows: String [var name] = new String (char [] chArray, int offset, int count)
Where, chArray an array of characters, offset an initial index of the sub-array, count is the number of characters to be retrieved. Example:
Index array or string starting from the number 0 (zero-based index). With offset = 1, then the first character is 'B' (index 1). With count = 5, will be taken as many as 5 characters starting from 'B'. Sub-array that is taken is: 'Build'.
char char [] = {'J', 'B', 'u', 'i', 'l', 'd', 'e', 'r', '', '9 '}; String s1 = new String (char, 1, 5); / / s1 = 'Build'.
String as a class In Java, variables of type String is an object of class String. When declared a string, then automatically, the Java compiler will create a String object. In the JDK, the class String is stored in the package java.lang. So the full-name for this class is: java.lang.String. As a class, String have several members in the form of the method. Here are some important methods STRING LENGTH: LENGTH () TAKING SUB-STRING: SUBSTRING () TAKEN CHARACTERS: charAt () DRAWING INDEX: INDEXOF () CASING: toUpperCase (), TOLOWERCASE ()
A. LENGTH () Method length () is used to retrieve the length of the String variable. For example:
String s1 = "JBuilder 9."; int lenStr = s1.length (); / / lenStr = 11 System.out.println (lenStr); / / 11
B. SUBSTRING () Method substring () is used to retrieve sub-string from a String object. There are two forms of this method The first form (overloaded method): String substring (int beginIndex, int endIndex); String substring (int beginIndex); Forms are taking a sub-string starting from position beginIndex to endIndex-1 position
A second form. / / Position: "01234567890" String s1 = "JBuilder 9.";
String cutStr = s1.substring (5); / / cutStr = "der 9." String substr = s1.substring (1, 6); / / substr = "Build"
Forms are taking a sub-string starting from position until the end of the string beginIndex
C. charAt () Method charAt () is used to retrieve characters from the String object on a particular index position. Example: / / Position: "01234567890" String s1 = "JBuilder 9.";
char c1 = s1.charAt (1); / / c1 = 'B' char c2 = s1.charAt (9); / / c2 = '9 ' char c3 = s1.charAt (6); / / c3 = 'e'
D. INDEXOF () Method indexOf () is used to retrieve the index value of a particular character position within the String object. The position of the characters are looking for is the position of the first characters encountered. Example: / / Position: "0123456789012345678" String s1 = "JBuilder for Java";
int pos1 = s1.indexOf ('u'), / / pos1 = 2 int pos2 = s1.indexOf ('t'); / / pos2 = 11 int pos3 = s1.indexOf ('J'); / / pos3 = 0
E. ToUpperCase (), TOLOWERCASE () Method toUpperCase () or toLowerCase () is used to convert all the characters in the String object to uppercase or lowercase. String toUpperCase (); String toLowerCase ();
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